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4500 kg of dates were destroyed in Abadan

Hoda Majiri stated in an interview with Mehr: In May of this year, due to the request of two companies to sample about 4500 kg of dates for the production and export of this product, the experts of this deputy proceeded to take samples as soon as possible. Laboratory results revealed the ineffectiveness of these [...]

2020-07-19T12:00:29+00:0030th September, 2017|Acquisitions, Financial, International|0 Comments

The bitterness of the fate of the product that sweetens people’s palate

The potential of our country in the field of raisin export is very high and in recent years it has been ranked second in the world. With the lack of attention from officials and proper management, this rank has now been lost and Iran may no longer be able to regain its previous position.

2020-07-19T12:00:30+00:0030th September, 2017|Acquisitions, Financial, Governments|0 Comments